Excellent start to the period with a win, in my following video clip I will have the transfer particulars and many others. in there and group details etc. I wanted to get this up for when FIFA eleven came out so here it sorry if it is a bit all over the shop but assume a lot more even more into the time Many thanks for watching
Video clip Rating: 4 / 5
@WelshDragonDsG Do you name the player? and Do you choose his rating?
@ACNumber9 create VP
@WelshDragonDsG Then what?
@ACNumber9 there is a tab on FIFA called VP
How do you create a virtual pro? Can you do a vid?
Well in come on you rovers!!
when you started talking, I thought you were the actual commentator for some reason :p
@Randyortonwwe720 Xbox and PS3 but this is on Xbox.
What re You Playing This On
Ha ur legend batt “Barton he’s a little terrier” lol m8! CMON U WALES!!!
I am on 2nd season with Rangers… have sold mculloch and weir has retired…. replaced by graham Dorrins and Andy Webster. Also I have bought a player named Kavlak after Veiss went back to eastlands….. I play on legendary difficulty and cancel off switching sides (so that I don’t feel tempted sometimes)…. I am in quaterfinal of champions league after beating a turkish club and after only just beating them I have barcalona to deal with….. xd
@danwanthankyouman is there a mode like franchis mode from madden where you control the team and make trades, re-sign players, release them, draft them, and still play in the actual games, that kinda stuff in this game
@WelshDragonDsG look at the stats from that match. And were gonna dominate agen in a few weeks time.
@ThomasRazaq Subscribe and find out
@PursuitoffDarknesss 15 Seasons
i support blackburn so i think they’ll win
@WelshDragonDsG how many seasons can u play in the manager mode??
i use to play world class but now legemdary. My 1st match was vs sunderland away on world class dificulty.im arsenal and i won 6-5 fabregas and van persie scoring hat-tricks. Im now on my 2nd season.
@danwanthankyouman Blackburn and Sunderland this season drew 0-0 how is that rape?
in real life sunderland raped blackburn this season. remember
@alexutzu24ianuarie pes is pretty easy though
that’s why i play pes…fifa is waaay to easy…although the manager mode in fifa is better hands down..
hey there , im atasuki109 , u remember me ?? , im going to make FIFA 11 PC manager mode when i get my new graphic card ATI Radeon 3870
@perstrame i geordie and i can understand it